
Published 14 November 2024

Mentor Medier go for Cargo

The Norwegian newspaper group Mentor Medier  has decided to go for Cargo. This is done together wi…

The Norwegian newspaper group Mentor Medier has decided to go for Cargo. This is done together with a decision of replacing their CRM system with Cross-Advertising from Atex and the systems will of course be integrated. The project starts almost directly with the goal of having both systems live in the beginning of February 2025. 

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Published 18 September 2024

Otava Media buys Cargo

The Finnish media house Otava Media is the latest customer moving to Cargo. We will, together with …

The Finnish media house Otava Media is the latest customer moving to Cargo. We will, together with our partner Speedmedia, deliver a system including the modules Production and Digital, integrated with Talea. The system is planned to be up and running first week of November 2024.

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Published 18 June 2024

Laidback söker Javautvecklare

Vi behöver bli fler och söker nu en utvecklare inom Java. Vi tror att du har minst 7-8 års erf…

Vi behöver bli fler och söker nu en utvecklare inom Java.

Vi tror att du har minst 7-8 års erfarenhet av Javautveckling och att du är van att vara självgående och ta egna beslut. I tjänsten ingår förutom Javautveckling även en viss del teknisk support mot våra återförsäljare. Ibland sitter du med i kundmöten, ibland jobbar du helt själv i större projekt, ibland får du vara beredd på att rycka in och hjälpa till när någon kund får problem. Det är omväxlande!

Du får ett stort ansvar för flera av våra produkter men du är samtidigt aldrig ensam, det finns folk att bolla med. Vi är ett litet team så du blir en viktig del av det teamet.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Följ länken nedan för att se hela jobbeskrivningen.

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Published 18 June 2024

Zawya starts using Corbit

Zawya , a trusted and leading source for news and intelligence in the Middle-East, starts using Cor…

Zawya, a trusted and leading source for news and intelligence in the Middle-East, starts using Corbit to automate the handling of press releases. Zawya is owned by London Stock Exchange Group

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Published 18 June 2024

Office closed on Friday - Midsummer eve

On Friday 21 June it is Midsummer Eve which is a public holiday in Sweden. This means our office is…

On Friday 21 June it is Midsummer Eve which is a public holiday in Sweden. This means our office is closed from Thursday 20 13:00 and we open again on Monday 24 June. Happy holidays!

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Product Updates

Published 16 December 2021

Log4j - updated information

Laidback Solutions have updated theCargo Dispatch/Admin software with log4j version 2.16 which miti…

Laidback Solutions have updated theCargo Dispatch/Admin software with log4j version 2.16 which mitigates the security risk CVE-2021-44228. FileTrain and Cargo Server does not include log4j.

If you need any help when updating, please contact us!

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Published 13 December 2021

FileTrain 6.9.8 available for download

You can now download the 6.9.8 version of FileTrain from the product page of FileTrain. This update…

You can now download the 6.9.8 version of FileTrain from the product page of FileTrain. This update is only to have new installers for FileTrain. This has to do with supporting both the M1 processor and the Intel processor with the same installer. 

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Published 13 December 2021


We have been made aware of a security risk with a library that is installed with some of our produc…

We have been made aware of a security risk with a library that is installed with some of our products, log4j. More details about the vulnerability can be found here:

The security vulnerabilities discovered in log4j lately have been addressed and new release of log4j is available.

The products from Laidback may include jar files with log4j but our analysis have concluded that Laidback products are not affected by the security risks that have been found.

Even if the products from Laidback are not affected we will take actions and update the products that use log4j jar files with the latest patch. We will roll out patches as soon as they are available.

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Published 10 January 2021

FileTrain 6.9.7 is released

Faster download via FTP is the main fix in this version.

Faster download via FTP is the main fix in this version.

Published 21 September 2020

FileTrain 6.9.6 is available

The latest version of FileTrain is available for download, see the product page. 

The latest version of FileTrain is available for download, see the product page. 


Published 3 November 2023

Tillväxtverket hjälper till att finansiera digitalisering

Tillväxtverket hjälper till att finansiera ett digitaliseringsprojekt med stöd från EU. Detta proje…

Tillväxtverket hjälper till att finansiera ett digitaliseringsprojekt med stöd från EU. Detta projekt har pågått sedan tidig vår och avslutas sent i höst. Laidback är glada och stolta över att vara ett av de utvalda företagen som får deltaga i projekt som detta som är mycket värt för mindre utvecklingsbolag.

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Published 23 March 2023

Cargodagarna 2023

Cargodagarna 2023 är nu spikade, 8- 9 maj i Norrköping. Vi hoppas och tror att ni ska bli insp…

Cargodagarna 2023 är nu spikade, 8- 9 maj i Norrköping.

Vi hoppas och tror att ni ska bli inspirerade av nyheterna vi har att visa och att träffa branschkollegor igen. Av erfarenhet från tidigare användarmöten vet vi att det är oerhört bra att få diskutera problem och lösningar med kollegor i branschen samt att knyta nya kontakter.

Läs mer och anmäl dig på Cargodagarna 2023

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Published 21 October 2019

Grafkom workflow summit November 12

Laidback will participate on the  Grafkom workflow summit  which is held at the Quality Hotel Frien…

Laidback will participate on the Grafkom workflow summit which is held at the Quality Hotel Friends. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to book an appointment. See you there!

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Published 28 September 2018

Laidback at the World Publishing Expo in Berlin

For many years we have been exhibiting at the World Publishing expo . This year we have decided no…

For many years we have been exhibiting at the World Publishing expo. This year we have decided not to exhibit but to go there as visitors meeting partners, colleagues and customers. If you are going there and like to meet up with us, give us a call or send an email so we can make an appointment. We hope to meet you in Berlin!

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Published 25 September 2018

Laidback at the Workflow Summit in Stockholm

Laidback is one of the main sponsors of the Workflow Summit held by Grafkom. This event is in Stock…

Laidback is one of the main sponsors of the Workflow Summit held by Grafkom. This event is in Stockholm November 13th. Laidback is one of the speakers on the subject workflow and automation. Please feel free to contact us to book a personal meeting for this day.

For more information, please visit Grafkom 

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